What is it?

The bursary is a form of additional support which is available to every young person who finishes the YAT Adventure Programme up to the end of Year 11. It’s to help you where we can, after your time on the programme, to get involved in further activities, clubs or opportunities. It could be help to get an item of clothing, kit or equipment for an activity, membership fees to a club, travel costs to get there, or a one-off cost linked to an organised activity, club or event.

Thank you for helping me purchase a new bag and money belt which both came in very handy on my Scout expeditionDaniel, age 15

How do I apply?

Complete the application form below telling us what you’d like us to try and help you with. You can ask someone at home, school or the Youth Adventure Trust to help you with this.

We’ll look at your application form. If we agree it’s something ?that would help you, ??we will contact you ?to explain what will happen next.? We will always try our hardest to ?support you with your request but please be aware that this may not always be possible, even if we feel it is a suitable request. 

Apply now

Share your story

If your application is successful, we just ask that you let us know how you get on. Send us a photo of you using the item or enjoying your activity, or write a short note telling us how the bursary helped you.

Get in touch to tell us your story

I would like to say a massive thanks to Youth Adventure Trust for giving me this opportunity. I have really enjoyed going to the gym with friends. It gives me somewhere to release my frustrations and stress from school and looking after my mum. It has also helped to improve my confidence hugely.Ben, age 16