The last camp in your Youth Adventure Programme is the Forest Camp which will be in the summer holidays between Year 8 and Year 9. We’ll camp in the Forest of Dean for 6 days and you’ll have the chance to try lots of different activities including archery, a river canoe journey and a ropes challenge course, as well as building your own shelter in the woods and cooking over a campfire.
This camp is aimed at developing your resilience and independence, as well as having fun in the outdoors. You’ll need to work together and support your teammates to make sure you get the most from the experience.
As usual we’ll have all the camping gear and equipment you need for you to borrow, so you’ll just need to bring along clothing and the few other items listed on your kit list. We’ll send you the list just before the camp.

Kit list
Listed below are the items you will need to bring for the camp. Please bring old clothes and shoes where possible as we cannot be held responsible for damage to clothing during activities. This list is just intended as a guide, and you might like to pack extras, especially warm clothing.
- 8 Tops or T-shirts
- 5 Pairs of trousers (tracksuit bottoms, leggings or combat style – no jeans)
- 4 Warm tops (jumper, fleece, long sleeved top)
- 2 Pairs of trainers (This is imporant. There should be one old pair that can get wet) *Sliders or sandals DO NOT count as a pair of trainers but may be brought as an third pair*
- Wellington boots ( if you have them, do not worry if you don’t)
- Underwear and socks (lots of extra pairs of socks as these tend to get very wet or lost!)
- Swimwear
- Suitable nightwear for cold nights
- Wash kit to include: toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, deodrant and sunscreen.
- 2 Towels
- A Sun hat (this is really important, a baseball cap is ideal)
- A warm hat and gloves
- A warm coat (waterproof if possible)
- A torch and spare batteries
- 2 binbags (for wet/dirty clothing)
- 1 water bottle with child’s name written on
Please note:
NO MOBILE PHONES, ELECTRONIC GAMES OR GADGETS ARE ALLOWED AT CAMP. This is really important – any child who takes either will have them confiscated for the duration of the camp. The Youth Adventure Trust can not take responsibility for any such items.You won’t need any pocket money as we won’t be visiting any shops.
Download the kit list as a Word document here.
Consent form
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Young Person Feedback Form
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