The last part of your Youth Adventure Programme are the Pathway Days which will be when you’re in Year 9 at school. These are 4 different days; one in the October half term, one in the February half term, one during the Easter holidays and the final one on a weekend day in June or July. 

The Pathway Days are a chance to meet up with everyone from your group again, to reflect on your time on the programme and to celebrate your achievements. Activities include mountain biking, an art project, tree climbing and a high rope courses. You’ll also have the chance to find out about other organisations and activities going on in your local area?; we hope you’ll be inspired to get involved in ?some of these after your Youth Adventure Programme has ended. At the final day we’ll give you some information about our Bursary Scheme which you can apply to for help with activity costs for up to 2 years after you finish the programme. 

  • Kit list
    • Coat/waterproof top
    • Waterproof bottoms (if you have them)
    • A change of clothes and socks
    • A spare pair of shoes
    • A packed lunch and drinks
  • Location

    Locations vary, please contact a member of the team for more information.

  • Consent form

    If you would prefer not to complete the form online you can download the Word document here.

  • Parent/Carer Feedback form

    If you would prefer not to complete the form online you can download the Word document here.

    Parent/Carer End of Programme Feedback Form

    Thank you taking the time to complete this form

    • How much has the programme helped your child develop?

      Below is a list of our overall programme aims. Please tick how much the programme helped your child develop in the different areas;

  • Young Person Feedback Form

    If you would prefer not to complete the form online you can download the Word document here.

    Young Person End of programme Feedback form

    Thank you taking for the time to complete this form

    • How much has the programme helped you develop?

      Below is a list of some of the things we hope the Youth Adventure Programme will help you with. Please tick how much the camp helped you in the different areas;

  • Contact us

    Contact us

  • Photos